IMAA - Instruction Manuals And Accessories - is a limited edition of instructional contemporary art kit.
IMAA - Instruction Manuals And Accessories is an original idea to contribute to the accessibility, the promotion and the distribution of contemporary art with the use of the old pattern of personal involvement and skills.
In order to achieve IMAA - Instruction Manuals And Accessories, artists are invited to provide a set containing:
- all necessary materials to realize the object, their project
- a detailed manual of instructions on how to build the artwork
- visuals, drawings, all specifics et technical requirement to build the artwork
- a shopping list (if applies)
- a certificate of authenticity of the work
- a note from the artist describing briefly the work and the artist‘s intention
IMAA has been launched in January 2013 and will run and grow with additional projects for 2 years ending up with a retrospective group exhibition of the projects, in one of the art institutions of the Caribbean; and the publication of a catalogue at the end of 2015.
IMAA will seek to grow with the addition of works by established artists as well as new comers.
IMAA should be available for sale via our dedicated homepage, and other related outlets.
IMAA should be affordable, but shouldn’t necessarily be cheap and small.
IMAA - Instruction Manuals And Accessories - a limited edition of instructional contemporary art kits, intends to invite artists to conceive an original artwork to be made, displayed at/by espace d'art contemporain 14°N 61°W, on the island of Martinique in the Caribbean for the next years.
The conception of some IMAA projects will involve the participation of scholars and young public from the the island of Martinique.
For this, and as part the initiative, IMAA - Instruction Manuals And Accessories has received the support of non-profit association (French 1901 law) art unlimited - association pour le développement et la promotion de la création artistique contemporaine en Caraïbes & DRAC Martinique.
IMAA - Instruction Manuals And Accessories